GROUP 14 - Music Video 2008/9: First Filming Session

Thursday, 9 October 2008

First Filming Session

Our first filming session didnt go exactly to plan, but we managed to get very strong footage of the band scene and a few cut aways related to the performance.
We had planned on our first session to start filming some of the narrative, involving the story of the false friend blow up doll. We then realised that this wasnt possible as Oli's truck wasnt available to us on this day. We decided that it would be best to film all of the narrative at once so we didnt want to just miss out the shots that would of involved the truck, therefore we decided we would film something else instead. We rang our friend and arranged to go to his house to film our band scene. We decided we wanted Oli playing every person in the band all at the same time. We sorted out all of the props to take round (all of olis different outfits, bass, microphone, lyrics written down etc) and went over and set up all the equipment in his room such as drums and where the three different oli characters would stand. We had to make sure everything stayed in exactly the same place so that we could overlay them all to crop parts away and leave three different versions of Oli all together.
We also had the problem that we didnt have our cd with us, which meant we had to find a video of the song on youtube and play this loudly from the computer in the other room to film it.
I think our filming went very well though and we made the best use of the time we had even though we couldnt do our original plan. We also filmed several cut scenes whilst we had everything set up.



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